Thursday, February 11, 2016

Tactful Vs.Tacky....Not everyone knows the difference.


  I've got pretty thick skin at times. I've been called all kinds of names, by all kinds of people, and for the most part, it's as simple as shrugging it off and going about my business. Every now and then, however, someone will say something that just burns my biscuits (and for anyone who knows me, burned baked goods are NOT okay!!!!). My most recent run-in with such issues has happened here at work, and frankly, I'm baffled. 
  I do my hair (there is a LOT of it, by the way) and makeup when I can. Sometimes sleep is just more important to me than putting on my face and managing the monster atop my head. Especially on Fridays, when I work 6-3. Those mornings, I'm up by around 4, and out the door by 5ish so I can get to work in plenty of time. At that ungodly hour, I generally don't care what I look like, provided my teeth are brushed, my clothes are clean, and my hair is out of my face. A few weeks ago, on a Thursday, I did it all: the hair, the makeup, the clothes, the shoes, etc. I looked super cute and I knew it. Then came Friday. Early as hell and there was no way I was going to get up early enough to do all that two days in a row. 
  I was at my desk working, when a coworker came over to bring me a file. She smiled widely, and as if she had a juicy secret, leaned in and whispered. "I have to tell you something.". I leaned over toward her and asked what was going on. "You don't look pretty today," she stated, smiling. It took me a minute to realize that she had in fact said that, plain and simple. "You looked pretty yesterday when you had your hair and makeup done, but you don't look pretty today," she continued.
I had to clench my teeth because my mother was really close to coming out of my mouth and telling this woman all about herself. I plastered on a big, "look here, bitch" smile and carefully chose my words. "Well...When you wake up at 4am and leave your house by 5 like I do, makeup and hair isn't all that important. To be honest, " I continued, "I look like a homeless hot mess, and I really don't care."
That's what I said out loud. What I ALMOST said was "Your old ass should know better than to say something like that to someone you barely know."

I was raised with the rule of "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." Well...that and "If you can't say anything nice, come sit next to me and we'll talk about it together." So for this woman to seek me out to tell me that I looked like a bag of smashed poo, I felt completely insulted. After a bit of venting to a coworker/friend, I learned that I'm not the first or only person she's done this to. After asking Mouthpiece about our prepaid parking situation, Mouthpiece promptly told my friend that she was surprised she'd planned to park and walk, as my friend seemed "spoiled and didn't strike her as the type who would walk anywhere." Not long after my "you look like crap" incident, another girl came in wearing Not really MY style, but regardless, she liked them and wore them to work. Mouthpiece told her they looked "dumb", that she didn't like them, and "people were going to think she was crazy for wearing that". 
Why not just keep your mouth shut and mind your business? 

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